Published October 12, 2022

How we tackled the Jask Brand

You may have noticed, we’ve recently re-branded! Hope you love our new look as much as we do?

We’re often asked by clients how we tackle such a project, so we thought we’d write a quick account of the stages we went through to achieve where we are today. Happy Reading 🚀

Gaining Insight

It was important to us to understand what Jask meant to everyone who works here. We’ve always championed honesty, mutual respect and hard work, but were these felt as core values across the agency? And were we missing anything? What about our culture, our personality and how the agency feels to be part of?

What about how we looked, and how we came across to those outside the agency? Was this truly reflecting who we are?

Our first step was to canvas the opinion of everyone within the business, both through informal chats and through anonymous questionnaires to ensure we got an honest, unbiased picture from across the agency.

Following this we also canvassed the opinion of clients through anonymous questionnaires. It was important to understand how we are perceived externally, why clients choose to work with us, what they value in the services we provide, and how they see us as an agency.

Identifying Trends

Pulling this research together, we were able to identify key trends that crossed both internal and external audiences, which in turn fed into our brand story- helping to further define us as an agency. Read Our Story here

In ways it backed what we’d always felt, but also highlighted things people care about that we had taken for granted.

’No egos, a family vibe, teamwork, no fuss, get the job done, relaxed, down to earth, reliable, go the extra mile’

Creating a new set of brand values

This insight helped us create clarity in our messaging and build an updated set of brand values that truly reflect us as an agency ⚡️

Our values
  • Collaborate – Everyone counts, we support each other
  • Show Integrity – Doing the right thing matters
  • Keep Positive – Give it your all and enjoy what you do 🙌🏻
  • Think Creatively – There’s always a better way
  • Talk Straight – Life’s complicated enough!
Creating a new visual identity

We also identified common trends around our visual identity:

’Need a new website, different green, less grey, less masculine, soften the look, some kind of devices, new colours’

This insight, coupled with research into wider creative trends and competitor research also helped us establish a creative direction that would better reflect our brand personality.

Key changes were:

  • A new softer colour palette with a fresh and contemporary look
  • Patterns and flourishes that reflect the creative nature of our agency
  • Doodles and scribbles to humanise the brand and add personality
  • Bold fonts to project confidence. Softer fonts for greater approachability
  • Portray the family feel by showing the people who make up Team Jask 🤜🏻

“For me, the new Brand Style had to do two major things: Incorporate and satisfy the feedback from clients and our colleagues, but also reflect the growing up of the agency itself.”

Simon Lister – Art Director
Creating consistency

Once our new brand was established, we produced a concise set of guidelines and communicated it across the agency. Following this, the brand was rolled out across all on and off-line channels to create consistency across all touch points.

Building a new website

An integral part of our re-brand was the development of a new website. It was important that this not only carried the new brand identity, but also truly reflected the creativity and technical ability for which we are trusted by our clients. The website will now serve as a cornerstone to all the agency’s marketing activity, as well as being an important part of our identity as a whole.